The Get Along Gang!!
Get Along Gang fan Yahoo group which I own.
One of my most favorite cartoons and character concepts from the 1980s.
Cute animal kids banding together and having fun in their little town of Green Meadow. Clever character designs and personalities and a nice low-key small town environment that can be any place in the real human world added to its appeal to me. They have no special powers nor do they live in a bizarre fantasyland. They're just ordinary identifiable kids staying friends and working together no matter how tough things get.
The cartoon show showcased only 6 of the kids (Montgomery Moose , Dotty Dog, Zipper Cat, Bingo Beaver, Woolma Lamb, Portia Porcupine) in the gang although the full roster had 6 more kids (Braker Turtle, Flora Fox, Bernice Bear, Rocco Rabbit, Rudyard Lion, Lolly Squirrel) .
A concept that deserves a good revival , especially spotlighting all 12 kids.
Practically every other character created by American Greetings has had or is going to have a second chance.
We were delighted to hear recently that "Project Get Along" still has a pulse, even if it does seem to have been put on the back burner for now.
1:23 AM
Even with the cartoon show and the decent period of popularity in retail sales, there is still so much more potential with the Gang that was not officially realized.
With a large cast of Gang kids (the 12 kids plus Hocus Hare and Pocus Possum in the tail-end of the Gang's 80s merchandising run) and other Green Meadow citizens, the storyline and merchandising run should have lasted longer.
The "other 6" kids and Hocus and Pocus seemed badly neglected in the Gang's heyday. Pity.
3:09 PM
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